Days 27, 28, and 29 – Return to PDX, Homecoming and the Day After
You may be able to see the real world intruding on the adventure as that the last two posts were made from home where the bright dawn of reality has begun to drive out the sleepy dreams of solitude. Such is life but I feel that enough of the journey, the experiences, and the lessons will remain. The ride was monumental and the visits with my sister's family and the Rooney's enjoyable.
The (long) road back home to PDX started with Tom, my brother-in-law, dropping me at the Oceanside transit center early Sunday morning. The Amtrak ride was always part of the adventure and it was made much easier with Tom transporting my bike and panniers to PDX during their family's trip to Sand Point, ID.
The 33-hour trip involved sharing some snores, being made a party to several ill-timed cell phone conversations, beautiful scenery, several so-so meals, and a couple new friendships. Along the way, I was able to retrace some legs of my trip. And, as much as I was looking forward to being back home, I
wanted to be back on the road again. That will likely happen next summer on the Oregon portion of the Pacific Crest Trail.
Oceanside Transit Center and the Amtrak Station
LA Train Station. Make a train change there.
Some nice scenery
The prison in San Luis Obispo
Going around the bend
More oil in CA
A very nice note from he Pearces
A hike with my youngest daughter, Mia and her friend, Sienna, the day after my return
The climbing cliffs by the Stone Cliff Restaurant on the Clackamas River
An old indian grounding hole close to a historic cabin
The girls in front of the historic cabin
The girls and an old Methodist Church that was established on the Barlow Trail (an offshoot of the Oregon Trail)
The girls trying out the Clackamas River
Them trying it out some more.
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