Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 5 - Humbug Mountain Campground to Brookings - Over Hill and Dale

Day 5 - Humbug Mountain Campground to Brookings - Over Hill and Dale
I'm tired but feeling good.  50 miles on that dot and just under 10 miles per hour.  With the hills on the route, I will take it.  I'm in Brookings and while I cracked the seal on the motel stays, I have been able to get back into the camping mode for the last two days.  I'm set up north of town at...well, I said I was tired.  I didn't even check.  I rode to the south of town and found an internet cafe to catch up on two days of posts.

Here is a link to today's ride:

These Legs of Mine
I have never like my legs.  Just not manly enough.  Not athletic looking.  Every since fifth grade gym class.  Running the mile around the school track, my thighs looked like two uncured hocks of ham. But I never came in last.  Ronald saw to that.  We called him Ronald McDonald but I doubt that was really his last name.  He came always came in last.  Thank you, Ronald.  

You could say I'm a leg man.  Man's legs to be specific.  I covet a good pair of legs with bulging quadriceps.  Don't get me wrong. I like women’s legs.  I just don’t think they would look good on me, with the exception of a few lady mountain biker's legs.  But then again, they would likely be too short.   

That said, with a little determination my legs have supported me at the alter, were there at the birth of all my children, gotten me to the top of many mountain peaks, and haven't complained one bit about this trip.  I think I will keep them.  Just don't get me started about my hips.  

The Littlest Rainbow 
In Ophir I ran across a phenomenon I don't recall ever before experiencing; A small rainbow followed me through the entire stretch of town.  I was between me and the ocean.  It could not have been 200 ft away from me (or as I'm sure Gary M could tell me, forever away from me).  I could see both sides of it.  Two pots of gold?  It was really, really cool.  


Left side


Today's ride was filled with fog and punctuated by beautiful views

Looking back at Humbug Mountain

Beautiful view infinity 

Scarier than a whale sighting but more exciting

Here it comes.....

The bridge on my way into my first stop, Gold Beach

Leaving Gold Beach (and starting up the BIG hill)

Cape Sebastian in the distance and the top of the (BIG) hill


More fog

Oh, goody.  More fog (Lori and the kids know I wouldn't have stopped anyway)

But I did stop at this "view" (very, very close to the road and it came in handy to demonstrate the abundance of FOG)

Back to scary bridges; very high, windy, and in the fog.  I can pedal really fast when I'm frightened  (so I learned)

Oh, stop with the fog already!!

Almost to Brookings

Yay! Brookings!!

At the end of the campground

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